Presentations/ Get Togethers/ Workshops/Launches

Rules of Engagement:
Arrive Early to greet guests and get to know them
Make eye contact and smile at them throughout the event
Go out of your way to connect

New PCs and ReplenishMe Clients
Book Hosts
Enroll New ICs

  • Hostess coaching (If you are the host, use this section to coach yourself!)
    • Gift and Hostess Basket (A catalog and a selection of products to borrow and try for a few days) within 2 days of booking
      • Hostess letter
        • For 3 bookings - I will gift you_______
        • For a new Business Builder - _______
        • For 5 new preferred clients - _______
        • 3 DermResults samples for 3 guests they know they can count on.
    • Coach on inviting
      • Give them a memory jogger
      • Coach them to send voice memos and personal messages.
      • Use a Canva template to make them an invitation graphic.
      • Teach them the 3 connect invitation system (invite, 1 week “can’t wait,” 1 day “we are gonna have so much fun”)
    • Get a wish list from your hostess
    • Hostess Basket 1 week prior
      • Ask the hostess to talk about what she tried at her get-together
  • Hand Scrub and lotion at the sink with a stack of folded paper towels or hand towels
  • Close table - separate from the main presentation area but not completely isolated
    • Chairs where they are facing each other
    • One-on-one feeling so that you can work with that person and they feel comfortable opening up. 
    • The DermResults Eye Gels with a disposable mini-spatula (cutting wooden coffee stirrers in half works great for this)
    • A mirror
    • Extra order forms, extra pens
    • A cute clipboard with a clean printed calendar for this and next month with your open dates for bookings. (Place an X over dates you don’t want to book or already have bookings.)

What to Bring:
  • Catalogs
  • Pens
  • Printed Close Sheets
  • DermResults Advanced
  • DermResults Glow
  • Healthy Habits or 30 DHL Set
  • Primer, Lip Oils, Mascara (mini disposable mascara wands are a huge plus)
  • BodyCare Products (with spoons or mini-spatulas)
  • Eye Gels Masks
  • Q-Tips
  • Mini-Spatulas (DYI hack- cut wooden coffee stirrers in half)
  • Your 5 favorite products if they aren’t already included
  • Mirror
  • A cute clipboard with a clean printed calendar for this and next month with your open dates for bookings. (Place an X over dates you don’t want to book or already have bookings.)

As Guests Arrive:
  • As guests arrive treat them to a hand scrub and lotion at the sink with the BodyCare Exfoliating Scrub and Moisturizer - they do it themselves, you use the mini-spatula or spoon to give them a small amount of each product when they are ready.  Use this as an opportunity to get to know them.  Always ask “What do you do, Do you love it, If you could change one thing about your skin and/or If you could change one thing about how your body feels, what would that be?” Listen for the need for Arbonne and make a mental note to include the solution in your presentation.  

The Presentation:
  • Thank your host and gift her, and ask her to talk about her favorite products from the basket
  • Thank her guests for coming
  • Share your 3 minute WHY
  • Use cue cards or an outline - keep it simple, don’t embellish. 
  • Early in the presentation after your WHY plant seeds about starting a business and about placing an order.
    • “Pay attention to how simple this is; later on, you may find yourself curious about Arbonne as a business.  When I sit down to take your order, I will happily send you home with some information.”
  • Throughout the presentation plant seeds about booking get-togethers with their friends
    • When you talk about nutrition:  “Later I’ll be booking some Healthy Happy Hours for a few of you for you and a friend or two!”
    • When you talk about Anti-Aging:  “Later I’ll be booking Anti-Aging Facials for you and a few of your lucky friends”
    • BRIBE: If three people book a little get-together with a few of their friends, I will gift (Anna) this __________, which is on her wish list, and I will gift anyone who books with me as well!
    • Be excited! 
  • Throughout the presentation continue to plant seeds about ordering.
    • “Later on when we sit down to place your order I show you how to get great discounts on everything you want!”

To Close:
  • Own the room 
  • Dictate what happens next
    • It is now time for shopping! I’ll be taking orders for the next 30 minutes.  Please write down everything you are interested in and I can show you all the different ways you can get everything you want.  It often costs less to get everything you want than half! So write it all down”
    • “When you're ready to place your order, please remember it's your lucky day. I'll be giving each of you a set of the magical golden Eye Gels to try! So come join me one at a time when you are ready.”
  • At the Close Table
    • As the first guest enters - connect
    • Take 2 eye gels out of the jar and assist her in applying them under her eyes with the point curving up over the crows feet at the outside of her eye.  It’s fine if she is wearing makeup, but have the DermResults Balm and some Q-tips handy to touch up any running mascara or eye liner for her when she is done with her eye mask.  She will thank you for it!  Ask her to stay for another 20 minutes so she can remove the eye gels and see her results before she goes.
    • Next move to the ordering step 
      • “Joanne, can I go ahead and help you get some discounts on your order? 
      • Then, complete her order with her on her phone, or on your computer. Know the discounts or halve them handy in the notes of your phone.  If there are tech issues or if there are a ton of people at the party, have her put her credit card information right on the order form to save time, and enter her order for her later.
      • If she does not order, skip to the next step without skipping a beat.  If she has to leave early, book a time to go by her house or meet for coffee in the next few days.
      • Grab the booking clipboard while she's finishing up on her order. 
      • Hand her the clipboard with open dates. 
      • Hold onto it as she grabs it and says, “Joanne, you heard me talking about Healthy Happy Hours for weight loss and Anti-Aging Facials. Which one of those would you prefer for you and two or three of your friends?” 
        • This is not a yes or no question. It's not an ask,  I assume she wants to have one. 
        • When she says, oh, I want the facials night, say, “Great!, here are my dates and release the clipboard to her.
        • If she says to me “Oh, I better check my calendar.” I say, “ok, let's go ahead and pencil it in. If we need to change it later, we will but let's secure your date.”
        • If she says no, quickly move on and don’t give it any energy, not everyone will say yes.
    • Transition to the third step, the set up for follow-up!
      • As she hands the clipboard back, instantly pull out your phone and say, “Are you on Facebook? I am going to tag you in a couple of client reviews on the products you ordered real quick.” (if not, ask permission to text screenshots instead)
      • Have her friend you on FB and navigate to the Healthy Living Simplified FB Group.
      • Go to “invite” and search for her name, click on it, and click invite.  Then copy the URL of the group and text it to her. 
      • Have her join the group and make sure she sees how many people are in it.  Tag her in a couple of product testimonials.
      • THEN:  “Joanne I mentioned earlier to watch how simple all of this is, are you curious about Arbonne as a business?”
      • If the person isn't interested, smile and say no worries, say thank you for their order, and let them know you will be reaching out to them to check on their order in a few days.
      • If she says, any form of yes (a little, maybe but I am so busy, kind of but I don’t know are all forms of yes)
      • Then you say, great, and you release the prospecting packet to her and say; I am going to add you to the business review page so you can see what people are saying about the business. Repeat the above process with the Discover Arbonne Live FB group.  If they are not on facebook, your upline can get you connected with private youtube videos.
      • Ask, “Do you have one o'clock available tomorrow? I'd love to grab coffee and chat more.” OR book a 3 way call or coffee date with your VP for the next day.
        • Send her home with samples of the DermResults and Fizz.  (Be sure you have an appointment set on the calender whether it is a phone call, zoom, or coffee date before she goes.)
  • What if someone says “No” during any part of the close?
    • continue to go ahead and go through your entire process to completion so every single person has been offered what you came to the party to get!

Created By Arbonne Independent Consultants