Mastering your Brick
Start Building your Business Brick by Brick

The Brick Club - Power Half Hour!
Take the time to get into personal activity alongside your mentors and friends.

Every first Monday at 7 PM, all other Mondays at 8:30 PM EST

Zoom ID: 921 934 5450
PW: Freedom

Getting into Activity
Now it's time to start working your business, we call this "getting into activity". Your activity should match your goals. are you wanting to walk, jog, run or sprint toward them?
From the below check marks, choose 1 to walk, 2 to jog, 3 to run, or do all 4 to sprint: 
✔️Have 5+ to look at products/programs
✔️ Grab 5+ friends/family for a practice presentation with your sponsor- zoom or in person 
✔️ Give samples to 5+ friends/family 
✔️ Have 5+ look at the business 
Once you've decided how quickly you want your business to move, click this link to find out how to start.

7 Days of Social Media
Directions: Do these 4 posts, in this order, next 7 days (one a day).  You do not need to re-word these. Space them out however life allows, but make sure they are done within 7 days of starting. This is PROVEN to generate leads. Use your own photos and be authentically YOU!

PRO TIP: Quickly comment back on every comment & let them know you’ll DM (direct message) them.

Post 1
OPTION 1- PRODUCT FOCUSED Hey, thanks for showing love on my post! So, I recently aligned with a brand that I fell in love with! Their mission and ingredient policy blew me away and the results I’ve had (or “seen others have” if you didn’t start yet) are wild. I’m helping people get back on track with their nutrition and heal their gut with clean vitamins and delicious recipes. Would you be open to learning more about our most popular program and products? (wait for response) Great! Here is a link to a 4 min video that explains it better than I can in a text. you also want to see customer reviews you can join this private FB group and scroll the feed, they are pretty amazing! I’ll check back later tonight to go over your questions 😄 ___________________________________ 

OPTION 2- BUSINESS FOCUSED Heyy, thanks for showing support on my post! So, I recently partnered with a company that goes perfectly in line with my values and goals. I was looking to diversify my income but I didn’t have a lot of hours in the week to start anything complicated or full time. The products are amazing from a health/nutrition perspective but it’s the flexibility and income potential that I’m most excited about. This could be something that benefits you too! Are you keeping your options open for extra money on the side?  (wait for response) Great, here’s a link with more information. It will bring you to FB messenger, tap the first video (4 min) to learn what this offers and the types of people that work with me. Then click “tell me more” to see the next video that explains what this is and how it works (10 min). Click the next prompt to see the FAQs and more info- It will answer most of your questions. I’ll check back tonight to go over your questions 😄.
*DO NOT* mention Arbonne in the posts or comments section.

POST 1 “So I did a thing..... And it’s a little out of my comfort zone but I’m really excited about it- I can’t wait to share it soon 😃.” (insert fun selfie, be you, don’t try to “pretty/fancy” it up)

Post 2

POST 2 (Opt. 1)
”Life is as exciting as we make it... everything I do, I do for them. Change can be scary, butnecessary for growth.”(inset photo of you and sig other or family)

POST 2 (Opt. 2)
“Invest in yourself...your health, your growth, your future...YOU are your biggest asset!” (Insert selfie - SMILE!!)

Post 3

POST 3 (Opt. 1)
You have a product review)Insert your product testimony with a green gut glow before and after OR skin care beforeand after OR a fun selfie if you don’t have this. (Example: PC who upgraded to IC and hada result to share)

Post 3 (Opt. 2)
You are just starting products)“Where I was: (Insert what you want to change health OR lifestyle wise, be honest so morepeople can relate)Where I’m going: (Insert where you’re going and what you're excited for).”

Post 4

Post 4 (Opt. 1) 
Go LIVE with your VP - best results! Topics: Interview your upline VP Interview questions: 1. What did you do before working for yourself? 2. How were you introduced to this community and brand? 3. What were your initial thoughts? 4. Why did you jump in?


Post 4 (Opt. 2) 

“I have THE MOST exciting news to share with you all... 
I said “YES” to one of the most exciting opportunities to come across my path! I found something that is impacting people's lives in a huge way. I took a leap and decided to live life more fully and to lock arms with leaders who are paving the way in the health & women empowerment space (or helath/fitness/entrepreneurial). Big things are coming! (insert selfie, or photo with your sponsor /friend

Examples of what to say when people comment on your post

*You may need to tweak these responses so they make sense, ask your sponsor for help if you need. You’re not bugging us, we want you to be successful!

OPTION 1- PRODUCT FOCUSED Heyy, thanks for showing love on my post! So, I recently aligned with a brand that I fell in love with! Their mission and ingredient policy blew me away and the results I’ve had (or “seen others have” if you didn’t start yet) are wild. I’m helping people get back on track with their nutrition and heal their gut with clean vitamins and delicious recipes. Would you be open to learning more about our most popular program and products?

(wait for response) 

Great! Here is a link to a 4 min video that explains it better than I can in a text.

If you also want to see customer reviews you can join this private FB group and scroll the feed, they are pretty amazing! 

I’ll check back later tonight to go over your questions 😄 ___________________________________ 

OPTION 2- BUSINESS FOCUSED Heyy, thanks for showing support on my post! So, I recently partnered with a company that goes perfectly in line with my values and goals. I was looking to diversify my income but I didn’t have a lot of hours in the week to start anything complicated or full time. The products are amazing from a health/nutrition perspective but it’s the flexibility and income potential that I’m most excited about. This could be something that benefits you too! Are you keeping your options open for extra money on the side?  

(wait for response)

Great, here’s a link with more information. It will bring you to FB messenger, tap the first video (4 min) to learn what this offers and the types of people that work with me. Then click “tell me more” to see the next video that explains what this is and how it works (10 min). Click the next prompt to see the FAQs and more info- It will answer most of your questions. 

I’ll check back tonight to go over your questions 😄.


Created By Arbonne Independent Consultants