NVP Guidance

What to say to Demotions:
Remind them that they will have the exact same organization they have now.  They aren’t losing that.  Their pay will just be reduced until they grow into it again, which is their goal anyway.  If anything, it can serve as a motivator to achieve where you want to go anyway. 😊

FROM Ashley Pitman:
This is POWERFUL & in response to Alyssa’s post a few days ago.  I was cleaning out a closet today and in very timely fashion, I found our *paper agenda* from NTC 2006 (National conference, as Arbonne was only in the US & Canada then). I have several huge takeaways I want to share: 1. Look at how few NVP’s there are compared to how many we have now.  2. Look at the proportion of NEW NVP’s that year. If you weren’t in Arbonne then, you’ve heard about the BOOM of 2005/2006, followed by a few hard years.  3. The “X” marks are people who I know aren’t NVP’s - some left and went to other companies. Some trailed away.  Many of these people I haven’t heard of at all and my guess is that MANY of them are no longer with Arbonne. I see several who I know who aren’t NVP’s anymore but who are still Consultants with Arbonne. I didn’t want to “X” out anyone who is with Arbonne…. but I did so if I know they’re not actively growing their business .  Either way, there are a LOT of faces here who are no longer with our company.  4. The leaders who stayed - look for their faces- many of them have BIG businesses.  Think of ALL OF YOU who came into Arbonne after this was printed. Many of you were in elementary school or Jr. High in 2006!  All of those people who left - they never got to experience the 30 Days to Healthy Living and ALL of the changes and progesss we’ve seen company-wide in the last 16 years with our products, packaging, technology, systems etc!  And then …. maybe there are some other leaders like ME. I was a brand new National Vice President walking the stage at this NTC in 2006. I was the youngest NVP in Arbonne’s history at that time at 24 years old (you’ll see me as Ashley Carpenter).  I promoted during the biggest year of promotions in Arbonne - can anyone relate?


Created By Arbonne Independent Consultants